

Outreach and Large Public Dissemination
  • Organizer of an Invited Lecture on “Nanorobotics” by Prof. Ari Requicha from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 14 April, 2010.
  • Member of a Discussion Panel on “The White Book for Robotics in Portugal” with support of Presidency of Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FIL, Parque das Nações, 20 of June, 2009. 
  • IEEE Region 8 Chapter Workshop on “Move from Research to Business”, May 30, 2010, Oeiras (Lisbon Region) – Portugal (http://workshop2010.ieee-pt.org/
  • Organization of keynote lecture supported by IEEE RAS – PT on ROBOTICA 2010 by Professor Henrik Hautop Lund, head of the Center for Playware at the Technical University of Denmark, with the talk “Playware – Creating Playful Interaction with Modular Technology”, ROBOTICA 2010 – 10th Conference on  Mobile Robots and Competitions, Leiria, Portugal, 24th March 2010.
  • Organization of keynote lecture supported by IEEE RAS – PT on ROBOTICA 2009 by Prof. Dr. Jean Paul Laumond from LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, with the talk ” ON HUMAN AND HUMANOID MOTIONS”, ROBOTICA 2009 – 9th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions in Castelo Branco, Portugal, in May the 7th, 2009.

Science Dissemination and Large Public Events 
  • Organization of Conference of Prof Alain Berthoz, From College de France, with a talk on “Perception of Movement” at IBILI (www.ibili.pt) from University of Coimbra, 12th of December, 2008.
  • Summer Robotic Courses in 2005 (Curso Ciência Viva 2005) 
  • Summer Robotic Courses in 2006 (Curso Ciência Viva 2006) 

Jorge Dias organized these Summer Robotic Courses in 2005 and 2006 (Curso Ciência Viva 2005 e 2006) for prospect engineering students. These courses aimed to motivate the students for participation in the competitions using advanced technologies within a highly multidisciplinary area. The event gives a positive contribution for the development of research in Robotics and Automation and a greater diffusion of Science and Technology in Portugal. The course was partially financial supported by the Ciência Viva (http://www.cienciaviva.pt) and Faculty of Science and Technology from the University of Coimbra.

  • Organizer of Robotica 2005 – 5th Portuguese Robotics Open, (http://robotics.dem.uc.pt/web/ ), 29 April – 1 May, 2005, University of Coimbra  “The Portuguese Robotics Open”  (http://www.spr.ua.pt/fnr/), which had its first edition in 2001, aims at promoting science and technology among young people of basic, secondary and higher education as well as the general public, through robots competitions. This event, which takes place every year in a different city, includes also a scientific meeting where researchers in the area of robotics come together to present the latest results of their activity. This event has had since its beginning a tremendous growth, both in number of participants and teams, and also in terms of audience. The Portuguese Robotics Open is, currently, endorsed by the Portuguese Robotics Society (http://www.spr.ua.pt/)
  • Jorge Dias it was member of the organizion of a the international large event for robotic competitions named  RoboCup 2004 – The RoboCup 2004 Symposium, June 28- July 4, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal. It was responsible by the competion on “Search and Rescue”. (http://www.robocup2004.pt )