Jorge Dias

Jorge Dias has an Habilitation/Doctor of Science (Agregação) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

He was a Full Professor at the University of Coimbra (UC) until September 2024, in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers (DEEC), engaging actively in research at UC’s Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR).

Jorge Dias also served as Vice-President of Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), a technology transfer institution associated with the University of Coimbra, from June 2008 to June 2011. He was the founding Director of the Laboratory of Systems and Automation at Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN).

Currently, Jorge is a Professor at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE, where he leads research and academic activities in Autonomous Robotic Systems.

His expertise lies in the areas of Artificial Perception, Computer Vision, and Robotic Vision, with significant contributions to the field since 1984. He was a pioneer in integrating multi- sensing and multimodal aspects into Artificial Perception, notably in Visual-Inertial sensing [2006, 2007] and Visual-Auditory sensing [2008]. His remarkable contributions include the synthesis of cognitive models in robots, utilizing a Bayesian framework for multimodal artificial perception, with key applications in active attention [2008], navigation [2005], and multi-robot cooperation [2009]. His seminal book, “Probabilistic Approaches for Robotic Perception” [2014], encapsulates his pioneering research on Bayesian techniques in computational intelligence. The book highlights his extensive work on Bayesian techniques for computational intelligence.

His most recent research delves into Neuromorphic Computing for Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Perception [2023, 2024], pushing forward the boundaries of science in these fields. Jorge has been the Principal Investigator for several international research projects, primarily in Europe and the Middle East, focusing on Artificial Perception for Autonomous Robotic Systems.

Professor Dias’s scholarly contributions include over 370 publications across international journals, books, and conference proceedings, establishing him as an active researcher in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Perception.